Thanks for clarifying this: it is often hard to access this information until you pull it together clearly. Who raised these people? What education have they received? In many countries it seems the haters, bullies, and power hungry are rising to 'leadership' positions in order to harm people instead of nuture all the people in there country. This is scary.

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This rightwing populism - which increasingly feels like a term in need of updating - is definitely a global phenomenon. It is scary.

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Trump often has a level of grotesque intent beyond the first level of Depravity displayed. Thanks for helping us see it.

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This is well said, Chris.

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I appreciate your calling out their lies, however it would be better if you did so without including their despicable words.

We definitely must call out what they are doing, trying to divide us to stop us from coming together to elect representatives who will work for us, not rule over us in service of wealthy reactionary elites like Musk and his fellow billionaire tech bros.

However, we must also stop repeating their words. As messaging expert, Anat Shenker-Osorio reminds us, people remember what they hear repeated over and over again. Repeating their hateful rhetoric reinforces it. There is every reason NOT to do that.

Repeat our messages, not theirs.

Anat’s Freedom Over Fascism Toolkit provides expert guidance on how to frame our messages for maximum effect - https://bit.ly/FreedomOverFascism.

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