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The reason why Hersch’s parents spoke is because their son is being held hostage and happens to be American. They were speaking as Americans. Not Israelis. They are also both Pro Israel and Pro Palestinian. And if the “Uncommitted” would have found a Palestinian American that stood for peace and recognized Israel’s right to exist and condemned Hamas, I believe they WOULD have been allowed to speak. Unfortunately that was not the case.

I agree that The optics are not good. But it is too obvious a mistake for there not to be a reason. And I believe it is the one that I mentioned .

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Hi Miriam,

You may be right that was the ultimate reason, but what was reported (through anonymous sources), was that the DNC didn't want to disrupt party unity. If that's the case, I think it was a mistake politically and substantively, but we may never get a clear picture of what the ultimate decision came down to.

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Political conventions are not a forum for airing grievances or drawing attention to atrocities around the world. They are about mobilizing a coalition to win an election. Those advocating to speak about the conflict in Gaza are harsh critics of the Administration of which the Democratic candidate is Vice President. These critics were officially "uncommitted" and were not pledging to support our candidate in November. They advocate a policy that is directly contrary to that of the candidate. I agree with much of what they say about immorality of how Israel has conducted this war, but by and large they tend to ignore why this war started and Hamas' role in its continuation. I can't think of a possible reason why the totality of their views should have been given a global platform during the DNC.

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Mainstream Northern North American politics is filled with cowards—the same silence is happening in Canada as well. Unsurprising, given every member of parliament is so accustomed to blindly praising the implements of the global war machine that they all—accidentally, they swear—saluted a literal Nazi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7sFxJbcYvg

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